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IPSC-Derived Neuronal Cultures Carrying the Alzheimer's Disease Associated TREM2 R47H Variant Enables the Construction of an Aβ-Induced Gene Regulatory Network.
Publication: Martins et al., Int J Mol Sci. 2020

Soraia Martins, Andreas Müller-Schiffmann, Lars Erichsen, Martina Bohndorf, Wasco Wruck, Kristel Sleegers, Christine Van Broeckhoven, Carsten Korth, James Adjaye.

IPSC-Derived Neuronal Cultures Carrying the Alzheimer's Disease Associated TREM2 R47H Variant Enables the Construction of an Aβ-Induced Gene Regulatory Network.

Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 25;21(12):4516. doi: 10.3390/ijms21124516. PubMed ID: 32630447


Further Information:


iBrain Collegiate: Soraia Martins

Carsten Korth

James Adjaye

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